Nicole Picton

UX Designer


ixd 104

IXD104 – Travel App – Final Screens

Backpack Buddy Here are my finalised app screens both with and without a mockup:   Together in mockup:   Separate Mockups: Main Sign-Up / Loading Screen:   Log-in:   Ticket Screen:   Map view screen for planning locations to visit:… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Infographic Final Draft

Infographic Final Piece After receiving feedback from Paul, I made a few final changes to my infographic. These included: Lining up information and pie chart legend in the first section Emphasising statistics on second & third sections I also re-aligned… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Infographic First Draft

Visualising Data Project I have spent the last week and a bit designing and digitally drawing my infographic about diet trends in the UK. I illustrated the infographic on figma, and have included my first draft on this post. I’ve… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Infographic Wireframes

Paper Wireframes Before doing anything digital, it is best to draw out your idea onto paper. I had a few different layout ideas for my infographic, however, once I found all the information that I wanted to include, I started… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Infographic (Finding Statistics)

Meat or no Meat After deciding that I will be making my infographic about veganism/vegetarianism vs omnivores in the UK, I went online and searched multiple websites for statistics to include and base my designs around. Here is the information… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Week 08 Master Apprentice & Review

Designing Infographics This week we looked into designing infographics. Infographics are graphic representations of information, data or knowledge, designed to present information quickly and clearly. Infographics are potent forms of communication. They can improve cognition by utilising graphics to enhance… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Infographic Brainstorm

Infographic Ideas I couldn’t decide on a topic to base my infographic around as the brief (world population) was so broad, so I decided to do a quick brainstorm of different topics that I could zoom in on and use… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Infographic Research – David McCandless

David McCandless A writer, designer, and creative director. This week in IXD104 we started learning about infographics and visualising data. One of the artists that Paul suggested we look into more was David McCandless. McCandless is a journalist turned designer,… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Travel App Progress

Backpack Buddy Update: I have been spending the last couple of days working on illustrations on Figma to use as locations in my Travel App, and thought I’d post an update showing them.   Die Neues Museum     EastSeven… Continue Reading →

IXD104 – Week 07 Notes Review

Visualising Data This week marked the beginning of our new project: Data Visualisation. Here are some notes I took during this lecture: Overall, I really enjoyed looking through the work of the artists mentioned today and I think I will… Continue Reading →

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