Due to having recently contracted COVID-19, I was forced to work from home for this week. I modelled using several different primitives, such as planes, cubes and cylinders, a TIE Interceptor from Star Wars, and then animated it flying around a set path by setting it to follow the path. Setting up the camera to take the full cycle was quite difficult, as the interceptor was quite big, as was its path.

I extruded parts of the sphere and then separated from the original sphere mesh to create the window for the TIE Interceptor. I then created the wings of the ship using a plane that was then solidified and its edges extruded and by moving its vertices I modified the shape of the extrusions. After joining the finished wing to some cylinders, I then mirrored the finished part on the other side.

The details of the wing were created by using the inset faces tool, and then materials were added to each part of the wing in kind, to give it colour.

There also was the issue of how much the camera can take in an image. By greatly extending the clip end distance of the camera, I was able to fix this issue. Another issue I found was that the camera motion tracked the sphere. It had been parented to the craft while I was working, so I unparented it. This is the final video I made with the Tie Interceptor.

TIE Interceptor Animation – YouTube

Next, I made a skateboard in Blender. The modelling used a lot of various features such as bevelling and extruding for the front and back parts of the skateboard as well as assigning multiple materials to certain parts of the model.




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