I thought it was important to give my app a brand to distinguish it from other apps and represent what the app is about. I thought it was important to do this before I started with the rest of the design as it should all be influenced by the brand. Tone of voice I came…Continue Reading IXD303: Panda Connect Branding
IXD303: Week 6 Reflect – Design Sprints
This week we worked in groups on a design sprint. Usually, this would take place over the span of 1 week, therefore, doing it in 5 hours was going to be a challenge. How might we ease the pressure on accident and emergency departments? This was the problem we were given. It is an issue…Continue Reading IXD303: Week 6 Reflect – Design Sprints
IXD304: Week 6 Reflect – Prototype Critique
Today we had a feedback session on our Apollo prototypes so far. I wanted to make a post about this so I could refer to it when updating my prototype to ensure I made all the necessary changes. Here is the feedback I received: Label the switch: The switch to add colour to the rocket…Continue Reading IXD304: Week 6 Reflect – Prototype Critique
IXD304: My Apollo Program Prototype
My Apollo Program Prototype Link to prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/PIj1atIt4khPFhNfJPraud/Apollo-Program-Prototype?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=4%3A450&viewport=245%2C48%2C0.5&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=4%3A450 From my sketches and initial ideas, I knew I wanted to focus on the Apollo flights. I chose this because it is what interested me the most and I felt like I could tell a good story this way. The flights also matched the style I wanted…Continue Reading IXD304: My Apollo Program Prototype