In our first week of Animation Studio, we focused on the study of breaking down the basic proportions and shapes used to build the drawings of some of our favourite animated characters. All of the following drawings were completed on Painter essentials, and drawn using a Walker Wacom, Intuos M, drawing tablet.


Completing these form and shape exercises, to study our favourite characters, has helped me greatly with any drawing I have to complete on a drawing tablet. It has helped me become more loose with my drawings and I have therefore learn that mistakes are part of the process to a complete drawing or design.




XBOT 4000, from the animated short “Three Robots“. An episode which is part of animated short series called, “LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS“.
Miles Morales, from the animated feature, “Spider-man: Into The Spider-verse“.
XBOT 4000 – Pose two.
Captain Rex, from the animated series, “Star wars: The cone Wars“.
Miles Morales – Pose two.




References for these images;


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