IXD104 Wk3:- Master Apprentice, Landscape

Another important element of the travel app would be to have a digital cityscape/landscape. Being able to create a digital landscape would be something that would not only be useful for my travel app but it would also be a skill that would be needed in the future as a designer.

At this point I had little to no experience in creating digital landscapes so I was a little nervous for when I had to create my own for my travel app.

A task was given that was similar to the previous master apprentice – icon, task. This new task was for me to recreate a cityscape image that was given.

This was the images that had to be recreated –






Here are my recreation –




I found this task very useful as it helped me to build my confidence in relation to creating city and landscapes for my app.

I really liked this task as I felt that it was really helpful. Similarly to the Master Apprentice Icons task this task made me realise how basic shapes such as a rectangle, circle, square, polygon and triangle can create various landscapes/cityscapes. Once I had completed the task I began to feel more confident with creating a landscape for my travel app.


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