Tag: IXD301

IXD301 Final Submission & Links to Blog

Portfolio Deliverable www.cormacixd.com Blogs  Guidelines https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/10/01/ixd301-portfolio-guidelines/  Pinterest Portfolio Inspiration https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/10/06/ixd301-pinterest-portfolio-inspiration/  Inspiration Research https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/10/25/ixd301-portfolio-research-heros/  Crazy 8s & Wireframe Sketches https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/10/04/ixd301-portfolio-wireframe-sketches/  Designing the Website https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/11/20/ixd301-designing-on-webflow/  Digital Wireframes https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/10/05/ixd301-digitising-wireframes/  User Job Stories https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/09/26/ixd301-week-2-user-job-story/  Google Trends https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/09/27/ixd301-google-trends/  Site Map & Content Audit https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/09/30/ixd301-site-mapping-content-audit/  Instagram Task https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/11/18/ixd301-instagram-task/  The Grid – Book Review https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/10/06/ixd301-the-grid-the-master-model-behind-business-success-book-review/  Responsive Web Design – Book Review https://blogs.ulster.ac.uk/cormacmccann/2021/10/18/ixd301-responsive-web-design-book-review/ …Continue Reading IXD301 Final Submission & Links to Blog

IXD301 – Illustrating Element Stories, Developing Prototypes & Refinement

Stories After sketching the narratives and stories of my elemental characters I was ready to make them digital. I decided to create/illustrate nearly all of my illustrations, iconography, etc on illustrator. The handy thing about using Adobe products is that you can drag and drop groups into each app without having to export them manually…Continue Reading IXD301 – Illustrating Element Stories, Developing Prototypes & Refinement

IXD301 – User Testing – Placards

As a designer, I have learned before I am not designing for myself, instead, I am designing for others, more appropriately, I am designing for children aged 8 – 10. I suddenly got an idea – instead of me creating a story for each character, how about the children create the stories for themselves. Although,…Continue Reading IXD301 – User Testing – Placards

IXD301 – Usability Testing

A good method of refining my work is to conduct usability tests. These tests involve watching people interact with my product. Fortunately, XD have a built-in feature that allows you to do this. The Script I decided to make a script with a set of instructions. This ensured that I covered all tasks for this…Continue Reading IXD301 – Usability Testing

IXD301 – Animating the Elements

After I researched the effects of animation on children I decided to animate certain sections of my app. I decided to start with an easy home screen loading icon. This was a good start as previous studies have shown any little amount of animations no matter how small they are make a big difference in…Continue Reading IXD301 – Animating the Elements

IXD301 – User Research, Stories, Personas and Journey Mapping

Researching users Before I pushed forward into my project, Kyle introduced me to a special part of UX design – user researching. User research is the study of target users for my potential product. This means conducting, surveys, interviews, field studies, etc. It works in various ways and methods in order to reveal problems and…Continue Reading IXD301 – User Research, Stories, Personas and Journey Mapping

IXD301 – The Periodic Table, Competitor Analysis Mobile Applications

In order to create a successful and strong product, I must look at other products involving the periodic table and similar applications made for kids to see how they create and implement their products for kids. This can ultimately benefit me as it allows me to review their work in both a negative and positive…Continue Reading IXD301 – The Periodic Table, Competitor Analysis Mobile Applications

IXD301 – Cognitive Ability & Benefits of Animation on Children

With the ever-increasing emphasis on motion in kids learning, I sought out to find what psychological benefits it prescribes to children. While browsing the internet looking for a link between motion and education I found two appealing articles by Janelle Vargo titled, “10 Reasons to Use Animation in the Classroom” and “Benefits of Animation on…Continue Reading IXD301 – Cognitive Ability & Benefits of Animation on Children

IXD301 – The Periodic Table, Competitor Analysis Videos

In order to create a successful and strong product, I must look at other products involving the periodic table and similar applications made for kids to see how they create and implement their products for kids. This can ultimately benefit me as it allows me to review their work in both a negative and positive…Continue Reading IXD301 – The Periodic Table, Competitor Analysis Videos