Day: April 23, 2021

#IXD104 Week 11 – Tutorial Session / App Feedback

On this quick 15 minute tutorial session Paul went through my travel app and gave me feedback on it. This was a good chance to see how Paul thinks of my app and find out what I’m succeeding in at and what needs refined. Travel App (So Far) I was happy to hear that Paul…Continue Reading #IXD104 Week 11 – Tutorial Session / App Feedback

#IXD103 Week 11 – Group Critique

This is my second group critique with Daniel and the class in which I was very happy to see the mainly positive feedback on my brand. It was a good chance to see how everybody else is progressing and the different pathways everyone is going to make their brand unique. What I feel like I’ve…Continue Reading #IXD103 Week 11 – Group Critique