Interview research- Ted Talk by Ashley Rizzotto


I wanted to do some more research into interviews as this was last weeks lecture topic. I came across this Ted Talk called – Mastering the Art of the Interview and I felt like this would give me some good insight into the topic and the title sounded very promising!




I am obsessed with making sketch notes ever since I read the book – sketchnoting last term. so I decided to make some sketch notes while listening to this ted talk, I have included an image of my notes below…


My sketch notes I made about this talk-



Main 3 strategies highlighted in the talk:


  1. Knowing you Negotiables
  2. Knowing your strengths
  3. Find alignment through research




What did I learn and Reflection?

This talk was very inspiring. Ashley Rizzotto is a careers advisor and she begins the talk with talking about how she had her first big interview out of grad school and she nailed it and got the job but left within 10 months as she wasn’t happy or fulfilled in her position there. She talked about the fact she agreed with the panellists and told them what they wanted to hear instead of talking about her own wants and needs from the position. I learned that I should be honest in interviews and don’t settle! She talked about knowing what I’m good at and knowing my strengths and this will lead to me knowing what role I want and what one would suit me the best. But how do I know my strengths? She suggested to think about compliments that I have gotten in the past that have stuck with me, e.g. being good at public speaking. This will lead to knowledge about traits or skills that come naturally to me therefore if I pick a role that compliments these strengths I will enjoy going to work and feel happy and satisfied in that work environment. I think that this was a really beneficial topic to look at before I start my interviews for placement, I want to get a placement that suits me as a person as well as a designer. this talk taught me that I should become more self aware and get to know myself before any interview.


IXD302- Mastering the Art of the Interview talk
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