I found it really enjoyable creating this project and bridging the gap between science/ data and art/ design/ illustration.  It was challenging but fun to think of all the different ways in which you can display data in a way that’s related to the subject matter but also while still making it stand out in a clear way to the viewer. I learned that:

  • using a consistent colour scheme throughout creates a very put together, and visually non overloading overall appearance
  • using a typeface that has a large x height and a small width allows a lot of information to be laid out clearly but also in a way that stands out to the viewer
  • making information flow is key to an infographic, and I enjoyed finding different ways to allow the various sections to bleed into each other in a way that was non imposing
  • simple iconography is sometimes key if the rest of the project is already very heavily illustrated


(click to view clear image)

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