Animation Studio-Week 3 Homework

For homework I drew a rough story board idea for my section of the animation along with added characters that will interact with our delivery man. This includes a nightmare creature and a schoolgirl who will be running from the creature. These designs are only rough ideas so they will most likely change in the future.   I… Continue Reading Animation Studio-Week 3 Homework

Animation studio-Week 3 Tone & Value

This week we studied tone and value by creating thumbnails related to our group’s world of choosing. Due to our group having different dimensions incorporated into our world, we decided that our thumbnails would be based on our dimension ideas. When using tone and value correctly a drawing can have depth allowing an environment to… Continue Reading Animation studio-Week 3 Tone & Value

3D Digital Literacy- Week 1

Introduction to Blender Week 1 of 3D digital literacy was nothing less than a surprise with the lack of knowledge I had when related to the program BLENDER. My first class in 3d modelling was also the first time I opened blender program and experienced the satisfaction and frustration when completing a modelling task. To… Continue Reading 3D Digital Literacy- Week 1

Animation Studio – Week 2 Homework

Thumbnail Homework Task Using our new learnt knowledge of perspective, composition and layout we were assigned to create at least 6 thumbnails with a 16:9 ratio based on the world that our group has chosen. During the task we focused on tone and personality which allowed each thumbnail to be expressive in its own way.… Continue Reading Animation Studio – Week 2 Homework

Animation Studio – Week 2 Perspective, Composition, and Symmetry

Composition  Beginning Week 2, we first tackled the idea of composition. This idea was fairly knew to me as i had only heard of the Rule of Thirds but had never used it practically. In addition we learnt about the golden ratio another frequently used composition to make a drawing visually pleasing to the eye.… Continue Reading Animation Studio – Week 2 Perspective, Composition, and Symmetry

Animation Studio – Week 1 Group Work

Getting straight into week 1, I was placed into a group made up of 5 other classmates, Hannah, Amy, Ray, Oliwia, and Erin. After introductions, we were given our first group activity. Brainstorm 100 themes for a world. Seems easy right ?, No!!, definitely not as easy as it seems especially with a 10 minute… Continue Reading Animation Studio – Week 1 Group Work

Animation Studio – Week 1 Homework

From watching so many animated shows and movies I was surprised to find the challenge of picking 3 animated characters to study for shape and form due to the range I could select from but eventually I decided to choose 3 vastly different designed characters to get a greater understanding of shape and form. Mabel… Continue Reading Animation Studio – Week 1 Homework

Animation Studio- Week 1 Warm Up Exercises

My journey into animation studio class began with some warm up exercises which focused on shape and form. Starting with simple lines and eventually levelling up to circles and squiggly lines. We were told to use our entire arm when loosely sketching instead of instinctively using your wrist as it could cause implications in the… Continue Reading Animation Studio- Week 1 Warm Up Exercises