We learnt about the symmetry tool while sculpting, it really helps so I need to remember to turn on the symmetry tool when modeling a character, Start from blocked out shapes of the body and then sculpt details after you already have the base. for things like nose use a cone and squish it so it can stay sharp, similarly for ears you can use a shape and model on top to have a sharper better look.

We then started modeling our characters or just modeling something with a full body. I chose to have a trail run at modeling Gumi. I started by blocking them out. They mainly consist of cones and cylinders, but I added a sphere to fill out the head; The transition from cone to sphere is not as flush as I wish it was, but hopefully I will be able to fix this on my actual model.

I added the clothes, need to add the scarf tails with bells at the end on the back, and the tails. I learnt that for the real model I should try to model the ears at least a little bit, as the sculpting tools make them lose a bit if the sharpness I want for them, It could just be I don’t know the correct tool to use, they have a satisfactory outcome when looking from afar, but the close up is not so satisfactory. The thing I’m most worried about is the tails I think ill be able to model them okay using a cone and then extruding but I’m worried they will look strange as when you rotate the bottom of the cone it usually makes volume of it change and stretch weirdly so I will have to be careful of this.

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