Today we were given a lecture on character design and did an exercise where we were given a bunch of blobs and we had to make characters out of the shapes…

These were the shapes…

This is what I made, I found it really fun! I struggled at first as I kept trying to make sense of the shapes but then I just started drawing and seeing what appeared and it became really fun.

We then were shown a picture and had to draw the people in a stylized manner…

These were the pictures…

This is what I drew.

We then talked in our groups about the character designs we had, and discussed any changes, there weren’t really any changes that had been made since last week, We where given the option to swap groups as we are going to be starting the animation jam soon, I want to join Group 10 as it is about a lil lonely guy who summons a demon, to become his friend, and I thought it was a really cute idea. Group 10 also had the least members I think so The story hasn’t changed much and they have a pretty solid idea of the plot and characters.

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