Homework this week was to make a Zubat model and then animate it.

For Zubat I started by inserting an image plane of Zubat to use as a reference. And then I started my model with a sphere and grabbed the top half and stretched it upwards to make a bean shape, used some edge loops to help adjust the shape then I deleted half of it vertically then mirrored it so the body is symmetrical. I then used the knife tool to cut out the mouth, and deleted the faces I then outlined the mouth and then quadded the model by getting rid of any triangles or 5 vertex faces, by merging vertices, or dissolving edges. I then extruded the edge of the mouth to make the mouth cavity. For the ears I selected some of the faces that lines up with the reference and extruded them to match the shape of the ear and then added edge loops to fill out the shape. For the little… legs? Tail spikes? The points at the bottom I did a similar thing to the ears but I rounded the faces a little before I extruded them using the vertex slider. I then extruded and scaled down the point, I also inserted some edge loops to ease the transition between body and spikes. For the teeth I just used cones and deleted the flat face extruded and adjusted to make the shape, and applied subdivision surface to make the teeth smoother and joined them to the body. For the wings I started with a plane and used the knife tool to cut out the shape of the wing, I then had to quad it. I really don’t like quadding. But after much struggle I had it quadded. I added, solidify, and subdivision modifiers, then added edge loops to try and sharpen the points that had become rounded because of the subdivision modifier. I then selected the edges where the points of the wing stick out, duplicated those edges and separated them, transformed the edges to a curve, and went to geometry to make them have volume and scaled down the bottom edges and merged them at the center. Combined them to the skin of the wing and then used a mirror modifier, selected the body as the center point and ta da~ the other wing was done. I moved the origin marker, and parent the wings to the body. Then added colour and model was done.

For the animation I started by animating the wings and adding a modifier in the graph editor, called cycle and it made a flapping wings loop. I then animated the body to go in a loop and I was done. (not with out stress as I some how broke the cycle and had to redo it at the end, but I am just happy it is done).

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