WEEK ONE- Module Introduction

Module Introduction


We’ve teamed up with the games development students and must create a game around the buzz word UNSTABLE.

I was sorted into group L with 5 others:

  • Kori Jadzcak
  • David Irvine
  • Chika Nwobu
  • Bebhinn Lynnott
  • Laurence Ross
  • Emma Gaynor


Once sorted into our groups we wrote down our ideas on the whiteboard then narrowed them down to 3 main concepts:

Drunk at work

Working a dead-end office job, you cope by drinking. You find yourself drunk while at work and must complete your tasks without being caught by your boss. If caught, you’ll lose your job. You must complete your usual tasks while intoxicated. This will make the tasks much harder for example balancing big stacks of paperwork.

  • Moving boxes.
  • Bringing coffee to coworkers.
  • Main mechanic will be carrying and balancing things throughout the office.


  • Target audience- teens/adults
  • Scope- one main mechanic utilized in different ways
  • Marketability- manual Samuel
  • Theme- unstable when moving throughout the level and unstable when carrying things


Escape collapsing building

You’re trapped in a collapsing building, you must complete puzzles to escape as the room rotates, dropping objects onto you Building is collapsing because of an earthquake; room occasionally tremors and switches direction

  • Both Multiplayer and single player, appeals to larger audience


  • Target audience- primarily children/teens
  • Scope- rotating room while solving puzzles
  • Marketability- human fall flat, stick fight
  • Theme- rotating and collapsing


Virus – Deadline

Play as a university student trying to submit coursework in a timed environment, fighting against viruses, close pop up ads and work around pirated software


  • Target audience- mainly teens and adults,
  • Scope- take place within one window
  • Marketability- Dude stop,
  • Theme- Unstable environment (Pop up ads, fighting against virus etc), shaking mechanics on diff windows



After our first meeting, David, Kori and I stayed behind and drew some concept sketches for the drunk office idea on the whiteboard. I played around with mostly blocky shapes for the characters. I also made a quick level design for the collapsing building idea.


We had a call to decide on which concept to further explore and shared our own concept sketches, I really liked the drunk at work idea and drew some sketches for it and came up with the game title “Mid-work Bender”.

I designed how the characters could look in the game, I decided to keep their designs opposite to each other. The Main Character (MC) is a tall, lanky man with undefined features, I feel these design choices show MC as a tired, disheveled office worker. In contrast I designed the boss to have a short, blocky stature to show his dominance and tough attitude. I thought it would be a nice touch to give the boss a bright red tie as red is an aggressive, dominant colour to reflect his higher position and hot temper. MC has a blue tie to reflect his lower position and weak work ethic as blue is more docile compared to red.

Ultimately we decided to develop the Escape room idea and make it zoo themed.

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