WEEK ONE – Module Intro and Blender Intro





We were given our first workshop task to create models of a table and chairs. I decided to also model and decorate a room for the table and chair. I had used blender before starting at Ulster, I had never created models of furniture, in spite of this I think I had done a decent job. I enjoyed the task as it gave me creative liberty and taught me how to make models using different types of mesh. I particularly enjoyed modelling the bookshelf and the various books. I had created a few book models and recoloured and adjusted the size to save me time in making individual books. I decided to have some fun and uploaded a drawing I had made onto a plane and tried to make it into a photo frame.



Our homework was to model a snowman and animate it. I decided to model a snowy forest with an igloo for the snowman and added snow particles as the snowman looked boring on its own. I enjoyed animating the snowman although next time I will shorten its arms as they would occasionally phase through the floor in a few frames. I enjoyed learning how to parent objects and using keyframes to animate.

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