Category: Recycled materials

Graphic Design- Open Collab Project

This was a very quick project that involved bringing in a non tabloids newspaper, to then cut out any images, lettering, typfaces, shapes, numbers and symbols that looked appealing. My intension was to create a theme based on tralvelling, so i cut out images, typefaces and shapes that were associated with travelling and turned them into a collage. To create this collab project i took sections out of the collage such as: the architectural structure, the plane seat and a typeface, which was then brought into Adobe Illustrator to combine the few images with text that was relevent to the theme. Once our ideas were finalised i combined my collages alongside other students work, firstly by printing my own collage in blackand white then printing over it again using someone else’s work, which created these lovely outcomes.

Textile & Fashion- Embellishment Challenge

For this piece I had incorporated a few of my samples into this embellishment. I’ve attempted to express more colour by creating an ombre effect with watercolours on the cuffs and collar.

I thought about adding an extra feature using embroidery thread that’s overhanging the cuffs, this was a similar approach to a mixed media piece that I’ve previously created.


Textile & Fashion- Knitted T-shirt

This task involved recycling an old t-shirt by cutting the fabric into strips then looping them through one another, which was actually crochet using my hands.

I actually to really like the overall result, I think that it looks very effective, especially on a black or coloured background. There are so many possibilities to use this technique. It’s possible to be used for tie dye, to embroider on, to make a collage or even incorporate into a garment.