As I’ve never done anything 3d before, the 3d Digital Literacy Module intimidated me as I assumed that it was going to be overly complicated. But while I was watching Michael’s tutorial videos, I realised that 3D modelling was a lot more simple and straight forward than I thought it was.

While working on my assignments, I didn’t feel stressed about meeting deadlines because as soon as I remembered certain shortcuts, modelling became quicker to do. I also didn’t run into any big problems during any of my projects and any small problems I did run into was fixed by watching YouTube videos.

Even though I’m proud of my work and picking up how to use blender and substance painter, I believe that I could’ve pushed myself or challenged myself further with some of my models. Some of my models look too simple which I believe I could’ve added more detail or experimented more with different concepts.

I hope, in the future, that I’d be able to push myself out of my comfort zone so that I can better improve my 3D modelling skills.

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