500 words reflection (Group Animation)

When Working in both Animation group I found that we all got on well and quickly worked well when coming up of ideas for adding in our animation and how we plan to work with each other. I found that both groups were very good in communicating ideas to each other and seeing what could change from the first ideas. I think in our group we used a lot the whiteboard and I found it was very good in using this as a key tool that helped. This Specially helped us a lot in getting the group all on board to the idea and giving us a rough visual of what to do that I really liked. Helping to solve some confusion.

My first group, “group 1” was at the beginning springing out loads of ideas that I enjoyed and for a short while we struggled in which one, we really wanted. However, I think some things with group one went a bit slowly because every week some members would be swapped out and we must explain things again. The biggest problem was new members some reason wanted to scrape all the progress we made changing the group chosen idea and create something entirely new instead of creating something new with the building blocks ideas we had made. However, I was swapped out before solving this problem. I was moved to group five. They were very nice and explained what ideas they made. I was Initially disappointed because they didn’t really have nearly enough ideas comparatively to my last group. I started to add ideas onto the group already made ideas what I wasn’t too keen in working with their dinosaurs theme the group had previously made because I knew it would be changeling. However, I worked with it and I’m happy in the final idea. I will also add that I’m worried about some quality of work of members in my group especially in the animatic and I felt they could have spent more time but I hope this will not be the same in the group final animation.

What I did learn about working in a creative team is that it a whiteboard is a great and fun way to get the team to get a rough visual of people are talking about. I also think I learnt that creative teamwork is not a person comes with an idea that better than everyone else but has a lot more of understanding their ideas and thinking of funny or cool ways to add off the idea that personally loved.

Things I would have changed if I had control over was being given more time to help people who join in the groups before being swapped out of a group because I think before being swapped there was not enough time to explain everything. I don’t think they understood what the groups idea was or if they didn’t understand it and changed it. It would have been nice to explain more.

Overall, I really enjoyed working in a creative team project.

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