Berkely College Assignment 3 – Ball and Tail assignment (Assignment 1 and 2 revisit after feedback)

This week we were working on the ball and tail movement. I found this very difficult, I’m finding animation in general incredibly difficult! But, I did the best that I could I think:

I also revisited my previous two animations after the feedback I recieved:

I don’t really like how the pendulum turned out this time round, I might go back and look at this again.

Berkeley College Animation Classes – Assignment 2 (Assignment 1 Revisit after feedback).

These past couple of weeks we were to work on animating a pendulum. I started with a simple movement forward:

I used this as a general reference:

I think my movement in the ‘tail’ at the end of the animation should probably last longer. I’ll get some feed back on this and work on it further next week.

I then moved on to the obstacle course:

After getting some feedback last week from Chris, I revisited my ball bounce animation. I needed to work on having the balls float up in the air a little more, exaggerate the anticipation, before allowing the balls to fall back into their decent. I also needed to stop the bowling ball from rolling back on itself, as the surface it would fall down onto would theoretically be a smooth surface, nothing should be forcing it back on itself. Hopefully this is ok:

Berkeley College Animation Classes – Assignment 1

Our first assignment for this class was to animate three balls of different materials. We were also encouraged to do this through the graph editor rather than by eye! I’m sort-of happy and sort-of unhappy with this; I spent ages sitting in the graph editor trying to make them look right, but there’s still glaring issues with at least the timing and spacing of the football. It moves a little more like a beach ball? The second bounce definitely isn’t right. However, I am pleased that this forced me to get more acquainted with the graph editor, which I had found incredibly confusing previously.


I used the following as reference:

Summer Activity 2 – Azri Walk Cycle

This was a bit of a challenge for me, I really had to push to motivate myself to finish it – I’m still not entirely happy with how it turned out. I’m really struggling to do things currently, as I still feel as if I am in summer-mode mentally! The timing isn’t great with this cycle, it’s incredibly stiff feeling. However, I’m still pretty happy with the result and the fact that I followed through in finishing it, considering I haven’t been too active in 3D animation this summer.

Summer Activity 1 – Walk and Run Cycle.

I listened to Sarah’s lecture on walk cycles, and read up on this further in my Animator’s Survival Kit textbook. I had recently done a walk cycle, however it came up extremely quick:

Once I had read up a little more on timing and pacing, I decided to try and slow it down a little, so it read more casual:

I was pretty pleased with how this turned out in the first place, but I think slowing it down has helped enormously! I really see the improvements in my secondary movement in this animation.

I then decided, as an exercise, that instead of doing a walk cycle I would do a run cycle. I’ve been intending on doing a run cycle that follows the animation of the female run in Pokemon Arceus for a while now – I really like how this animation looks very cute and light, almost like a skip!

I recorded a video on my switch of my character running a few paces, and then exported this onto my iphone. My iphone allowed me to view each pose frame by frame, and this was really helpful for planning out the run cycle. I’m really happy with how my rendition turned out:

I also did another little looping animation of an original character of mine for fun: