Animation for the Creative Industries – Clock Punch and Punch Card, Overhead Lighting.

I made up the time clock and punch card for my team, which will be used to access save files and ‘clock on’ for their shift (begin their game). I paid particular attention to the following references:

I also referenced the following for the overhead fluorescent Light:

Animation for the Creative Industries – Cash 3D Model and Animations in UE5.

Ryan was able to get the character model sorted so that it takes the animation from skeletons, and so that it takes the skin textures and facial features:

I also made up a quick cash 3D model:

I hunted on Sketchfab for some references for topology and Aesthetic:

Money Pack by bariacg on Sketchfab


I also offered to help, but wasn’t sure what I could do – Ryan has been working to consolidate everyone’s assets into one UE5 file, however has been having a lot of issues whilst trying to import:


Animation for the Creative Industries – Animation, Payment.

This is my last assigned animation for the minute, the payment animation. Again, I referenced simple animations from Animal Crossing. I want to ensure that the animations are clear in their action, however I have to be aware of other deadlines and the time that I need to invest in them! That being said, in the coming weeks I will likely look at polishing these up a bit – I’d like to add a bit more secondary action to this one (I was finding it a little difficult, as the basket clips the desk when I try to add it at the minute), in the basket, the head and the left and right arm. I could probably also have the left leg moving forward a little as it looks a little odd completely stationary! However, I believe the animation communicates the action well enough to be implemented for Monday’s play test.

Animation for the Creative Industries – Animation, Step to Desk.

I started to work on my step up animation:


Again, I tried to go for something kinda goofy and overexaggerated. I’m actually pretty pleased with these, I think they’re probably good enough to be implemented to the game for Monday’s play-test, at least. I took a little reference video of myself to get an idea of the stride, and I referenced a simple stop-walk sequence on mixamo. Additionally, I took a little look at some octodad animations:

Obviously I haven’t gone quite this ridiculous, but I I do quite like the stretchy, silly limb movements.

Animation for the Creative Industries – Animation, Idle.

I offered to help Amy, our animator, with some animations as she is working on those alone and it seems like a lot for one person to take on. I am not feeling very confident in this, it took me a long time to get myself back into the head space of animating digitally. I managed to finish my first pass of an idle animation today:

I think it’s OK for a first pass, and will work well enough for our play demo on Monday. I’m not too happy with the hands, I think I need to go back in and edit so that the swing is slightly more subtle, and so that it occurs from higher up on the arm.

I spoke to Amy about this, and she made some good suggestions:

I worked on the animation more after I spoke with Amy:

I added Amy’s given coordinates to make the arm ready for the basket rig. I also sped up the movement from leg to leg, as it was feeling very slow for me after a night’s sleep.

I took reference from simple idle stances in animal crossing:

I also took some inspo from mixamo animations:

I liked that these were quite simple – I really liked the 3rd one as it’s very exaggerated, so I tried to emulate that with my idle animation.