Berkeley College Animation Classes – Assignment 2 (Assignment 1 Revisit after feedback).

These past couple of weeks we were to work on animating a pendulum. I started with a simple movement forward:

I used this as a general reference:

I think my movement in the ‘tail’ at the end of the animation should probably last longer. I’ll get some feed back on this and work on it further next week.

I then moved on to the obstacle course:

After getting some feedback last week from Chris, I revisited my ball bounce animation. I needed to work on having the balls float up in the air a little more, exaggerate the anticipation, before allowing the balls to fall back into their decent. I also needed to stop the bowling ball from rolling back on itself, as the surface it would fall down onto would theoretically be a smooth surface, nothing should be forcing it back on itself. Hopefully this is ok:

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