Lip Sync Animation – In between frames, cleaning up timing, line art

I decided that I wanted to try and follow the style of some of Studio Meala’s videos whilst I made this animation:

Agony Ant


Fly Home

I notice that they have quite scratchy textures to their lines, and that they have a slight blur to them which gives them a very soft look. I tried my best to imitate this. I also wanted to try and draw frame by frame as much as I could — I was aware that this would be a great time sink, but I want those scratchy lines to have some subtle movement, I want it to appear hand drawn. I think it adds a little character. I did this specifically in the office drone interim, and I like the way that turned out.

I worked on some clean up in between frames for a little more clarity on movement and timing for the animation I already had:

Alec suggested that she should throw the battery over her shoulder as it would make her action of removing the battery more obvious. I also removed and fixed up a lot of frames here with his hand movements, as they were very stuttered movements and it didn’t look great – I sacrificed a lot of the specific mouth movements in favor of gesture and I think it paid off ultimately, as I still feel his words are readable.

I started by lining the robot office drone portion of the animation:

I then moved on to the first section of the animation, where I sacrificed a few more frames just to further smooth out his movement whilst he’s speaking:

I’m happier with this section, however I will submit it when it’s finished for some more feedback as I think potentially there still might be a little too much hand movement in his beginning monologue. I also want to try and add some more motion lines, as I’ve noticed that this is a feature in a lot of the studio meala references I’ve been looking at!

References and resources:

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