Lip Sync Animation – Additional Character Designs.

I spent some of the day designing the additional characters for my lip sync animation cycle, first I went on the hunt for some reference:

I didn’t want to labor over designing these characters for too long, as they’re only in use to establish scale and a little bit of narrative for my main character gigabyte:

I’m really happy with the way these characters turned out, and I think that their little composition is cute. I plan on having Facs be emitting light, like a photocopier, her eyes flickering over to the camera; I want Keyz typing on his keyboard and characters appearing on his monitor display; I will have Tef turn around to look at the camera whilst on the phone defensively, and Buzz will simply be floating up and down and will also turn around to face the camera.

I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed and burnt out, I would love to make some real headway with this animation this week and be asking for feedback moving towards the weekend.

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