Professional Practice – Cover Letter and research.

When composing my cover letter, I decided to base it on a role that I managed to find through NIScreen:

Quality Assurance Coordinator.

I have been a long time follower of Bellular Games’ youtube videos, in which one of the founders talks about one of my favourite games, World of Warcraft. The studio is currently working on their first game, ‘The Pale Beyond’, which I have also been following the development of.

Bellular Gaming

Bellular Website

Before I wrote my cover letter, I took note of the core and desirable skills that the advertisement is looking for:

Essential Criteria:

  • Good attention to detail
  • Comfortable working within a team environment
  • Good written/verbal communication
  • Interest in video game development

Desirable Criteria:

  • Experience of using Unity Game Engine (or similar)

I wanted to ensure that I demonstrated that I posses all of these skills through my CV:

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing regarding the advertised internship role “Quality Assurance Coordinator”, which I discovered through the NI Screen website.

I am currently a second-year animation student, with a particular interest in the gaming industry; I spend much of my spare time playing video games. I have been a huge fan of Bellular Studios’ YouTube channel – ‘Bellular Gaming’ – over the years, as I have great interest in the game World of Warcraft. Furthermore, I have been keeping up to date with the development of Bellular Studios’ upcoming game ‘The Pale Beyond’.

I am equipped with skills in both 2D and 3D software and am well acquainted with Unreal Engine 5. I spent the first semester of my second year working, with my team, to set up an environment within Unreal Engine; I created several of the scene’s major assets, established the scene’s lighting and filmed a cinematic within it.  In addition to this, I have previously worked within a Quality Assurance role, during which I was required to demonstrate accuracy and great attention to detail.

Please find attached my CV, Portfolio and Showreel.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Caity Kerr

I believe through outlining my interest in Bellular Games’ youtube channel, and my interest in World of Warcraft, I am demonstrating some research and knowledge of the studio and aligning my values with the company. By listing my knowledge of their upcoming game, ‘The Pale Beyond’, I am showing interest in video game development whilst further demonstrating knowledge of the Studio’s productions.

Talking about my assignment in Unreal Engine in first semester of second year, highlighting my group work in this, I am showing my proficiency in the desired criteria as well as my ability to work as part of a team. By citing my previous job in a similar role of Quality Assurance, I am showing my experience and a good level of attention to detail.

I believe the communication in my cover email reflects my good written and verbal communication skills.

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