Animation Strategies – Week 3, Refresher on Textures and Wall Sculpts

This week we were tasked with presenting our concept, ideas, concept art etc. to the class. After this, we were given some tutorials to follow to give us a refresher on texturing and substance painter:

This was the tree that I textured from that tutorial.


I spent this week and some of class thinking about the walls of our environment, as I have been tasked with modelling and texturing these. I went for a modular approach to this, and wanted to ensure that the metal wall panels were quite uneven and crooked to keep on style:

I used the following references for this:

I particularly like the references above because of the strange angles and the stylistic elements, and when I texture the wall after it’s been approved, I want to go for this sort of look. Quite reflective, but scratched and buffed.

This was the wall after bevelling in Blender, then I went in with some details:

I thought this was a little too much, since the style we’re aiming for is a little more simplistic, so I just decided to buff out the edges of the wall:

I then added some mock bolts etc. just to see what that might look like, these are by no means the final models, I will be taking them to class on Monday to review and see where improvements need to be made. With this reasoning in mind, I will likely leave texturing for a while:

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