3D Digital Literacy – Homework, Mike’s introduction to sculpture.

I wanted to try some of the tutorials that Mike put up this week on how to sculpt. I started with a simple rock sculpt, following instruction:

I actually quite like how this turned out, and getting to know other tools within Blender was a lot of fun! I then moved on to the head sculpt:

Honestly, this turned out kinda creepy looking, but it was OK. I really wish I was a bit more rough with it, overly smooth meshes just don’t do it for me.

Finally, I had an attempt at blocking out a rough character – I haven’t sculpted this, but I would like to try at some stage:

This character isn’t mine – I used this reference sheet to get some practice with sculpting. Doing the bird alone, without a step by step guide, still feels a little out of reach for me. I may just try following Mike’s guide bit by bit, which will hopefully make modelling my own stuff a lot easier going forward.

Edit: I did actually attempt one of the tutorials on sculpting, it is also a monstrosity but it is also very funny:

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