After getting home from class on Wednesday, I wanted to try the table and chair exercises on my own. There were a lot of things that I just forgot, unfortunately, but I tried my best and I’m pretty pleased with the results overall. These are screenshots of the scene all together, and then the assets individually:
This was my very feeble attempt at making the olive on a cocktail stick:
Believe it or not, I made it sort of lumpy on purpose? a perfectly smooth olive just looked odd to me? I tried…
Over the past week I have been working on a couple of iterations of the ‘comfy chair’. I’m still not confident enough to follow the provided reference exactly, so I followed a couple of tutorials:
This was my first attempt:
I thought it turned out pretty OK, however I modelled the chesterfield buttons separately and couldn’t really work out how to apply them to the model, so I tried again:
I’m more pleased with this one as I managed to model in the little buttons. I think this is probably as good as I can do for homework on my own, I’ll be really interested to get feedback on these and hopefully learn more about how to model an arm chair effectively!