Week 11-12 Homework: One-to-One tutorials & Presentation

Week 11 was the one to one tutorials, and since there was the teachers’ strike going on at the time, we had it online. That plus the two weeks of W.O.A. (world of animation) that were also online, made for a week and a half of online classes.

That week I managed to start the rough animation passes for the project.

Mine were done… a bit differently. I drew in every 4 of the frames and ended up with some rather choppy animations.

I also tried to draw them on top of the animatic.

I kept working on it for the duration of the classes.

The next week was the end of year presentations to update the teachers on the progress of the teams and the animations.

I continued to work on the rough for weeks afterwards.


Edit: 23/12/21

I finally managed to finish the rough animation and edit the frames to fit neatly as I had over-estimated the timing of the storyboard.

The results are shown below.

Week 11 – final

(apologies for the tardiness and non-consensual download)

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