Gutenberg and Moveable type

Looking at the history of typography, we look back to want once was the start and creation of the Typeface: the printing press. There is no exact date and who actually started printing typefaces however, what we do you know is that the earliest of print was located in China during the first millennium A.D. The first case of printing is called ‘The Diamond Sutra’, A book on Buddhism around 868 A.D. The Tang Dynasty. This book was created by a carved wooden block which is the method called block printing. Scrolls soon became to be replaced with Block printing books which mainly highlighted Buddhist and Taoist works. Japan and Korea also adapted the wood block method as well.

Johannes Gutenberg ‘revisionary inventor’

Being a German inventor, Guttenburg was able to create the first western book off the 42 line Bible. This book is presumed to be no later than 1455.

Gutenberg having failed seven years of printing, he was able to create Moveable type. With the movable type already having connections to Asia, Guttenberg differed with metal carvings to create an easier process of printing. However besides being successful, After his printed Book of Bible, Gutenberg was sued by a ex partner and most of what Gutenberg achieved went to the partner along with his son.

Why is the Power in Printing?

The creation of the printing press led to multiplication Of books that were formed. Before The printing press, society had very close to little of publish work that was able to have an audience. With over thousands of being published, people had access to writing and education. As we know from Sir Francis Bacon, “Knowledge is Power,” so with more knowledge that was being produced Society began to change due to many having a sense of identity and their own opinion.


From 1400s to the 1800s the process of printing did elevate but still had the same basic elements. Though with industrialisation in the 19th century, Everything was impacted which means there was a big affect on printing press. Printing became demanding as the urge to publish to give to a whole nation had changed the printing game. With the works of new and faster machines, printing became cheaper and produced way faster due to the new method of printing.

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