IXD301 Wk1:- Introduction and Briefing

This week was the first week of IXD301

It was disclosed that the first half of the module is focused on theĀ  portfolio site and content strategy and that I would have to begin preparing my portfolio sites for when I apply to job roles (Placement) as it was fast approaching.

I already previously had the portfolio site from first year (using HTML & CSS) but I feel that that site can be vastly improved and therefore I wanted to try and redo it. I was informed that the website builder Webflow would be allowed to be used for creating the portfolio site. I have never previously used Webflow but I have used something similar, the website builder WIX. When I previously used Wix in the past it was not to the same extent that Webflow would be used.

Notes taken in class scanned below –




This class gave a really good overview of the course which would allow med to know the scores that I would need to get. I also found it useful being told how second year is 30% of the final year score as I had not previously known that so it helped as a reminder of how important this year would be again.

I found that this class gave a lot of insight into what goes into creating a portfolio website. In first year I had created a portfolio website and had briefly touched upon some of the elements but never looked into them fully. So revisiting content audits, site maps, content writing etc. encouraged me to look at these topics and gain more of an insight for them which would later help me when creating my own.

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