IXD301 – Week 11 – Feedback

Today was a great help because Kyle took us individually for some feedback and overall update on how we are finding the project. The rest of the day was used to continue with work and keep moving forward with the project. I think that it was really useful to have the day to work on my project and feel I made a lot of progress.

My feedback


I showed Kyle my work and feel like the feedback he gave me was really helpful. He gave me some tips and ideas and it was great to get his point of view on my progress so far.

What he liked:

  • The overall idea, he noted that it was interesting and something different.
  • The illustrations of the people/ superheroes. Kyle likes the style and said it reminded him of a certain style of cartoon that he then showed me and one I will research further.
  • The way I incorporated the elements into superpowers.
  • My development sketches and story board pages. He said this was great development.

What needs worked on:

  • Adding in my plot and story to the pages.
  • The backgrounds on each page needs worked on, I need to add more colour or detail.
  • Moving my pages over to figma to create a working prototype to show for next weeks crit.

These words of advice were really helpful and I am going to ensure to do all Kyle suggested. Kyle also gave me some tips, he said that I should look t over kids books for 8 year olds instead of younger age groups because I have a bigger story to put onto the pages. This was great advice and I will be doing this. I am struggling the most with deciding how long the story should and how much words I should put onto each page.

Comments from the class

The image above is a snapshot from the class’s thoughts on my work. This was very helpful and a great insight into what they liked and what they think I could change. I really appreciated and loved the feedback and will take it on board.

What they liked:

  • The idea of an e-book, someone said it was a cool idea
  • The characters were so cute
  • They loved the illustration
  • They thought it would be really appealing to kids

What they think I could work on:

  • Create a comic layout
  • Add speech bubbles
  • Add buttons so the kids can scroll back and forwards
  • Add some colour to the background not he first two pages

Why was this feedback session helpful?

  • It was great to catch up with Kyle and show him how I am getting on with the project.
  • It was good to get his opinion on my work and see what he thought I could improve on.
  • It was nice to hear he liked my work and thought it was an interesting idea.
  • I feel more confident with my idea and persecution of it now and feel I am ready to make the final changes and complete my e-book.

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