Competitor research


Who would be my competitors for this idea?


Air BnB

One of my biggest competitors is Air bnb as this is where my idea derived from- the idea that anyone could rent their car out for use just like Air bnb does for homes. I think the research I have done on Air bnb will be really useful as I like the layout of the app, I think I will use this as a reference for my own app screens that I will develop as back up for my pitch idea, to show how it would work in real life.




I have included image of the website as I really like the layout, it is simple and clean and modern too. I want this same type of image for my own brand and my own pitch idea.



Enterprise rent a car

My idea takes influence from renting cars- its kind of similar. So I decided to take a look at these companies.










From looking at both the rent a car apps above and doing my own research their prices are very high and their interest rates too. This is what I will sue to back up my own app idea – that eliminates the high prices and high stress, it is more chill… From looking at this research these rent a car companies don’t offer the freedom that my app could give, the commitments on the renting companies are really strict too which adds stress to peoples holidays!!



What did I learn here?

I have learned that my idea still has value here, there is no one doing what my idea has to offer and I think it has real potential. I learned that my competitors are strong but they arrant offering what my idea could – with low prices and safety etc. Taking this information and my previous research about safety on public transport I think I have a great case for my idea- making the evidence really strong! I will carry on with this idea and build my presentation.

IXD302- Pitch competitor research
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