‘Ticket for Two’ Development and Outcome

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Research & Sketches -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-   For our animated short, my group included Ellie, Miles, Janet and myself. At the start, we called to go over a few ideas and make mood boards:   I liked the idea of the story being about, someone coming home from work and then on the train (or a ‘journey’) they meet a friend/ partner and it changes […]

Reflective Blog For the Poster

Development: For my research, I wanted to focus on the history of the technology that was used in Japanese Animation and also a few historic animators and animations. As I was finished my own research, I decided to try make a couple of drawings to plan how our poster could look. These were some of […]

Week 9 – Presentations

This week we presented what we had done for our animation over the Easter break. This was our presentation!  Presentation (canva.com)   We got some feedback in class; unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it in but Ellie kindly wrote all the points that was made in our discord and we began to discuss what […]

Easter Break

Over Easter, our goal was the get all our characters/ props modelled for going back to uni so we could really just focus on animating. Ellie made a milanote where we could put all our concepts and research in with our own categories so I put all mine in:   During the first week I […]

Week 7 + Week 8

This week, we tried to nail down our final idea before going off for easter. We messaged a couple of times in discord, but it was hard trying to work out when everyone was free to call; we all felt like we haven’t been communicating as much and that we are a little behind so […]

Week 1 // 3D Animation

This week we learnt from home! We spoke about what to expect for this module and the assignments that we were going to have. Henry spoke about ‘Hero’s Journey’ and used a couple of examples to help us understand it; I thought about the Hunger Games for each part of the cycle where Katniss goes […]