IXD303- Healthcare App Development

After thinking about what would interest me the most and therefore motivate me into creating the best app possible for the gap in the market, I decided that I would focus my product on Eating Disorder recovery. I decided to take on this subject as it is typically a very taboo subject that people do […]

IXD303 Week 3-Design and Strategy

BHAG BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is a interesting, long-term goal that is intriguing enough to inspire employees of an organisation to take action. Without huge dream goals to aim for then we tend to lose sign of why you are doing what you’re doing, as well as very easily losing motivation if you don’t […]

IXD303 Week 2- Research Techniques

Needs Driven Design when creating a product, it is important to ask yourself: Does this need to exist? What user needs are you trying to solve with this product? What user goals are you hoping to satisfy with this product? Today’s class also taught us that the earlier you user test the better as if […]