IXD304 Week 1- Space and Apollo Moodboard

Our task for this week was to create a digital or physical moodboard based on space and the Apollo Programme to prepare for our future project.

I decided to create mine on Pinterest as I felt it allowed me to have access to a wider variety of photos to better represent my moodboard.

See my Pinterest Moodboard Here.

this has made me very excited to see what the next project entails. Moodboards help to establish a strong foundation of what is needed to be included in your project and helps to clarify your vision for the project. It also helps you keep track of what is necessary and unnecessary to be included so you don’t get carried away and begin to include irrelevant products that do not fit with the theme. The moodpboard lets you go back to refer what the basics of your project is so that you are less likely to go off track which is very beneficial. They also help motivate you and often give you motivation to see the final image which can sometimes feel far away and overwhelming.

Although there are still more images to be added to this moodpboard whilst I go on and begin to get more details of the brief, I am very happy with the initial moodpboard and feel very excited and motivated to see what is to come in this module.

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