Our task this afternoon during class was to get into our groups and select a healthcare centre to see how easy the site is navigate if you were;
- A New Patient
- Finding a GP
- Operating Opening Hours
- Booking an appointment
- Ordering a Prescription
For each scenario we had to think of;
- Actions associated with each scenario
- Questions the user may have for this scenario
- Happy moments from the user
- Pain points from the user
- Any opportunities we could think of to improve the sites user experience.
This task was very beneficial when thinking about the user journey of our own healthcare products as it can be easy to forget the large age range of users trying to navigate healthcare sites. What 20 year old users like myself may find easy to navigate, may appear extremely confusing for the older generations who are not as confident with the internet.
Seeing the positives and negatives of each scenario really helped us to come up with opportunities on how we could improve the sites to make our own sites an improvement. EG a pain point for a new customer is having to print out and fill in multiple-page forms to then have to bring to the GP practice you wish to join, along with ID etc. This is quite a lot of hassle in the modern world so an opportunity that we came up with was to create an online application process as an option for people to fill in online and upload a photograph or scan of your personal documents that you would have required to bring with you to the practice.
This has made me think of all types of users needs for each section of my healthcare app to try my best to increase my users happy moments and try to eliminate as much of the pain points as possible.