Overall, I’ve left this assignment feeling okay and I know where I need to improve. My biggest issue by far in both animations is form. My consistency in this area is what I feel is hindering me the most from becoming a better animator and it’s something I really need to improve on and IContinue reading Reflection
The lip sync was the part of this assignment I was looking forward to the most but it actually proved the most challenging and it hit me kind of hard because I thought I was actually quite good at lip syncs! They are what I enjoy animating the most; I even started a small AMVContinue reading Lip-Sync
Weight lift
Before I started blocking out my animation in ToonBoom, I took a few videos of myself weightlifting to reference, and I also looked online to find other videos that I thought had clear movement to reference. It took me a few tries to get a video I was happy with but it has a weirdContinue reading Weight lift
I have a lot of mixed feelings about how I did over the course of this module a lot of them are conflicting. I can tell I have improved over the course of this module; even looking back at the walk cycle we did as the first animation in this module, I can see manyContinue reading Reflection
Run and Jump
I really enjoyed doing the run and jump in 2D, which I found much easier than the walk cycle. It was very enjoyable to animate. I used a reference video going through it frame by frame to get my key poses; although I’m not sure I used the best video for reference, I think itContinue reading Run and Jump
Walk with Personality
I found the walk with personality really tough, especially trying to figure out what type of walk I wanted to do. Originally I bounced around a few different ideas: sad, nervous, confident, but in the end I landed on angry because I felt like I could get nice exaggerated poses out of it. IContinue reading Walk with Personality
Run Cycles
3D At the start of this tutorial, we had a warm-up to make more sense of the graph editor, and I found it really, really helped me to understand how to use it, what the different settings on it mean, what their effects are, and how to utilise it. Doing this really helped meContinue reading Run Cycles
Walk Cycles
Our first objective of this assignment was to create a walk cycle, so we practiced this in class in 3D and 2D. For the 3D session of our tutorial, I found it difficult, especially the section where we had to use the graph editor, which will be a recurrent theme in a few of theseContinue reading Walk Cycles