Week 1 / Form and Shape:
Week 2 / Composition and Perspective:
Week 3 / Tone and Value:
Week 4 / Colour:
Week 2-5 Character Design:
Week 7/8 Animation:
Week 7 Movement Practice:
Week 8 Movement Practice:
Week 8/ 9 Storyboards / Animatic:
Week 10 / 11 Rough Animation:
(Previous versions of the rough -> https://ulster-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/kearney-j12_ulster_ac_uk/EmFy5DTsk7hGuHLnrupsx8wBEEVlymfGH0Hsi1XTI9SRWw?e=doXCFi )
Week 12 / Animation Clean-up:
Week 12 / Animation backgrounds:
Week 12 / Final animation (My part)
Week 12 / Final animation (Group)