Week 9 – Animatic / Storyboard Feedback

Week 9 – Animatic / Storyboard Feedback This week during class we were given feedback some feedback on our storyboards and suggested changes to help make the narrative more understandable or to make the transitions between the animations better. We were also tasked with taking on storyboards and turning them into an animatic. First Storyboard:Continue reading Week 9 – Animatic / Storyboard Feedback

Week 8 – Storyboarding & Animating with forms

Week 8 Animation Homework: For this weeks homework we were tasked with creating a short animation with a flour bag to help learn about the use of Key-frames and inbetweens. By the end of the week I created 3 different animations using a flour bag, the first just making an animation by myself, for theContinue reading Week 8 – Storyboarding & Animating with forms