Worldbuilding Concept Art


During class, our lecturers suggested that we shift focus and focus onto the story elements and characters as we all had pretty strong idea of what the aesthetic of the world was. After a bit of discussion we decided an alien main character would be really cute and fun, and I began to sketch up some concepts! I kinda threw a bunch of random things together, but I was set on a spacesuit, a funky kind of lizard person, and then I tried to come up with a cool funky hairstyle hehe.

Boeing Just Designed the Most Modern Spacesuit Yet | Travel + Leisure

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I kept them fairly humanoid, as I didn’t want them to get too complicated for others to draw, and I drew design inpiration from lizards for the tails and little fangy mouth! I took a few different passes at some different faces “hair” styles and tails for my group to decide what they liked the best, we settled on a mix of the first and third!

A few days later we organised another group meeting on Miro, I felt it was important to really solidify the story we were aiming for, as we all had a little bit of a different idea, and it’d make it easier for new members to quickly get what we’re aiming for in one clear paragraph!

We put a few general ideas down onto some sticky notes, and then put the main idea on the big pink one. (That’s the important one >:b) We also have some of our inspirations down to the side, so others can visualise the vibe of our world a little better.

During the meeting, we passed around a few ideas for some more main character ideas, and we felt that my original concepts for the alien were too dragon-esque, I think due to the lizard vibe I was giving them. I went back and tried another pass at them, going for a more bug approach with antenna and little pincer/mandibles. I also combined the hair and face from the original first and third concepts.

After showing them to the group I think we were all pretty happy with this new design!


Honey bee mandibles have many uses - Honey Bee Suite



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     ✨ Tone and Value


After the perspective and composition thumbnails, we were tasked with doing 6 more thumbnails showcasing our use of tone. I admittedly burned myself out after the 2nd week’s thumbnails, so I find these less visually interesting than last weeks, but I tried to showcase a lot of contrast and a variation of light sources and shadows!

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