✨ Worldbuilding Concept Art ✨


During class on thursday, we were split into breakout groups and began brainstorming ideas for our worldbuilding project. We did a lot of brainstorming on Miro, before taking our favourite ideas and compiling them all together in the mindmap below!

We settled on a world themed around bioluminescence, and wanted to tell a story to do with radiation, mutation, the rapid advancements of technology, and the effects it has on the environment.

I was super interested in the idea of glowing plants and animals, and forests that appeared to be rather dull and ugly during the day, but becomes really glowy and beautiful at night.
A lot of my groupmates began designing creatures to live on the planet, so I tried to focus heavily onto the plantlife as I had a really clear idea for the huge glowy trees and swirly moss and mushrooms!

The mushrooms were inspired  in shape by shelf mushrooms, and the glowy-ness from ghost mushrooms! (coolest name ever) and the trees inspired by weeping willows! I took some inspiration from peacock and other bird feathers for the random plants.

The creature design came from an idea I had while brainstorming for a wolf/dragon hybrid, I just kinda ran with it! It was semi inspired by an Eastern or Oriental styled dragon, which you can really see in the snout, gold scales and tail! The rest was just some design elements I think look cool. (like the glowy spider eyes hehe)

🔥 bioluminescent Ghost mushroom(Omphalotus nidiformis)Under the moonlight SW Sydney Australia. : NatureIsFuckingLit
example of a ghost mushroom, they’re so dope!


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     ✨ Composition and Perspective Studies ✨


The second part of our homework was to study perspective from our favourite anime, cartoons and movies.

I chose screenshots from Mob Psycho 100, Dorohedoro and Ride of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I tried my best to get at least one example of one, two and three point perspective! Here are my examples:

After this, we were to make 12 thumbnails of scenes based around our world concept, using a variety of compositional grids, and different kinds of perspective.
In my thumbnails, I used the rule of thirds and the golden ratio mostly, as it was what came mose naturally to me, but I tried super hard to use a wide variety of all three perspectives as I feel it’s something I wanted to practice more! The thumbnail of the city block is a good example of me using three point perspective.

I will admit that I struggled a little with identifying perspective, I was able to draw and use it in my thumbnails perfectly fine, I understood how to draw with it, but pointing it out from a screenshot was surprisingly tricky.

I think my main problem was that some backgrounds I found interesting had two different perspectives happening that threw me off, which I’m going to be more wary of next time! After this week’s homework I’d be pretty confident in saying that I’ve improved in keeping perspective and composition in mind when I study other animations and when doing my own art!

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