For my 3D model, I decided to create a magic staff.

During my time using Pinterest throughout the years, I had made a board of inspiration for my original fantasy adventure story, Stargazers. And with almost 800 pins in that board, a good few including magical staff and wand designs, I started there with gathering reference images.

The main focus I had was finding design elements that would be both eye-catching and not overtly complicated to create for a newbie 3D modeller. I wanted my final design to be simple, but still fit my personal style and sensibilities.

I had a few vague ideas for the concept going into it, so the first type of design I searched up was more worn wooden staffs with glowing crystals with extra trinkets attached. While this concept immediately came to my mind at the thought of a witch or wizard staff, it wasn’t the only idea I wanted to research before making a final choice.









The second type of design I looked into strayed from the witch/wizard concept, and developed into a more “Shoujo Magical Girl”-esque design, with rounded shapes and bright colours. The references I selected were usually moon-themed or wing-themed, with shining blues, purples and golds becoming the colour scheme for the final design.






From these references that I collected, I started selecting my favourite elements; such as the grandiose wing shape with a spherical stone or gem adorning the top. I was purposeful in not adding too many details, wanting to focus on including essential elements that I would then execute competently at the modelling stage.

Because of this mindset I had, there were some elements included in the original sketch that didn’t make it into the final design. These elements include a halo of stars surrounding the top of the staff, some sort of fabric or thread flowing from the staff, and even a unique design shape based on one piece of reference I found that made the staff look more like a lantern on a stick.

While all designs are visually appealing in 2D, at this current point in time, I do not feel equipped with enough knowledge or experience in 3D modelling to be able to include these kinds of elements.









With all of this considered, this is the final design that I came up with for my 3D model of a magic staff!

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