IXD302 Wk3:- Studio Etiquette

This week was all about studio etiquette and the unspoken rules within the studio.

Within a studio there is a few things that can be done in order to help make things go smoothly. Its important to be able to get on with co-workers if possible and chances of this can be improved by –

  • Being pleasant and enthusiastic
  • Being on time
  • Dressing appropriately
  • Using headphones for music
  • Ask before borrowing anything
  • And much more

It’s also useful to ensure that files are organised and iterations are saved and clearly labelled, this can help make sure you know exactly where everything is and it means that if someone else wants to use your files they will too.

Most likely meetings will also have to take place as its important for the team to be able to get together, discuss ideas, prepare projects etc.


I found this lecture really helpful as it was sort of a guideline for studio do’s and don’ts. This would probably be really helpful and practical once I begin working in a studio and with a team and clients as it will be something that I can look back on and take notes from.

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