This week started off with a recap of all the other weeks and what was learnt.
- Week One – Language
- Week Two – Monograms
- Week Three – Typography
- Week Four – Visual Identity
- Week Five – Colour
- Week Six – Application
- Week Seven – Brand Guidelines
- Week Eight – Style Guidelines
- Week Nine – Portfolio Website
This was a good refresher of everything that had been previously covered in the past and while recapping everything I realised just how much work I had done for my brand to get it to where it is today.
Brand Values were then discussed, a brand needs to have something to believe in and a reason for believing in it. This will help the brand create an emotional connection with your audience.
This quote was shown by Maurice Levy, Publicis
“Consumers who make decisions based
purely on facts represent a very small
minority, yet, even for these people, there is
always some product or service they buy
based on impulse or emotion.”
This suggests that most consumers are emotion led and whether or not they will interact with your brand simply depends on how your brand makes them feel.
Kevin Roberts of Saatchi & Saatchi defined this emotional connection that consumers might feel to a brand as a Lovemark. A brand that inspires loyalty beyond reason.
There are three important things to consider in relation to brand proposition.
- Brand – The brand will be the biggest indicator of value for a customer. Customers develop emotional connections to brands and that replaces any loyalty to feature.
- Experience – The customers experience in relation to the brand is very important in order to reinforce brand perception because of how it ties the customers emotional reaction to the product. Experience is everything, from social media presence to customer service
- The product also needs yo be considered, it can be anything. It might be a more efficient version of something, solve a problem or tap into a untapped gap in the market
This can all be managed through –
- Consistency – quality, tone of voice etc.
- Attention to Detail – everything should be considered
- Emotion – tell a good story
- Experience – ways people “feel” the brand
- Reward Loyalty – gestures and tokens
“A brand is the set of expectations,
memories, stories and relationships that,
taken together, account for a consumer’s
decision to choose one product or service
over another.”
— Seth Godin
“If you don’t give the market the story to
talk about, they’ll define your brand’s
story for you.”
— David Brier
End of Week Review:-
This week taught me all about how a brand needs to make your audience feel something. It needs to be something that they can connect with and draw emotions from. If you don’t create that rapport with your audience then there is no reason for them to even consider your brand. For example Apple and Samsung users, Samsung users may feel that most people use Apple and that they too should consider joining but they don’t because of what Samsung means to them and vice versa. If your brand is doesn’t have a rapport with its audience then no one will connect to them and there will be no sense of loyalty from customers