This week I decided that I wanted to create an animation for my brand. I have never previously tried animation except for a quick sketch animation that I did years ago
After seeing the old animation that I had done previously I knew now that I wanted to try proper animation.
I used a new software (After Effects) That I had not used before in order to help me animate.
I decided to watch a video to learn about using After Effect – Tutorial
After watching the video a few times and trying to follow along I then had an idea of the basics and what I should do.
Next was to come up with what my animation would actually be.
After researching different animations from glow to rotate I finally had an idea of what I wanted. I decided to sketch out a story board to follow along
I then went back into after effects and created my animation – Animation Link
A feedback session was held a while later and it was suggested to me within the session that maybe instead of having my animation rotate out instead the flicks should come out in a horizontal line
I then sketched out a new storyboard of what I wanted my animation to do