IXD104 Wk3:- Creating Landscape

After doing the master apprentice landscape exercise, I had a lot more confidence in relation to creating a landscape for my own travel app.

When it came to creating my own landscape and designs I decided to start by making a Pinterest with digital landscape and cityscape scenery that I liked for inspiration – Landscape Pinterest

When I was considering which landscape design to go for I decided that a cityscape wouldn’t go the best with the name traverse as the image would not depict the name, that’s why I decided to design a mountain/tree landscape as I thought it would be a great way to depict traverse and the journey that users of my app are about to go on.

I then started sketching out ideas of what I could do for my landscape







Once I had an initial idea of what I sort of wanted my landscape to look like I then went into illustrator to begin creating it.



This was my landscape design




A while later I then decided to recreate my landscape design as I felt that I could make it appear cleaner and be more visually pleasing.


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