As a class we were split into groups and within these groups we had to collect 100 photos of either points, lines or planes in the real world (Group D was mine).The four of us then found images that showed lines being used within architecture and buildings. We displayed these images on a Pinterest board so that everyone would be able to view all the different images found.
Here is a link to the Pinterest board:-
Once every group within the class had collected 100 photos of their chosen subject we then had to select nine of the photos that we liked the most and use them to try create a story or narrative, that would then be displayed on Instagram.
I decided to create a narrative about the world around us and how the lines are everywhere creating structure, art and beauty.
Here is my initial idea and an explanation of why I chose each photo: –
The beauty in the world around us
The shapes made….
I chose this picture as I liked how unconventional the use of the lines are and how they are not just straight lines but bent.
The ones that we never notice….
I chose this picture because of how the lines are placed and how usually you would not notice them.
Silently making waves….
I liked this image because of how the lines were used to make an effect and create a sort of wave like texture/pattern within the buildings. (image was later changed)
Integrated with nature….
I chose this image because of how the lines are used. They are not built into the building but are attached to it, they vary in length and are used to hold up the trees and flowers,
Taking us places….
I chose this image as I likes how the lines were placed in different ways to create a sort of tunnel.
Adding differences….
I chose this one as I liked how lines of different thicknesses were used to create/build this building.
Transforming ordinary things….
I chose this image as I liked how all of the lines were equal in creating the fire escape stairs.
Standing out….
I chose this picture because of how the the house is built and how the lines are used in ways that is rarely considered by others
But sometimes still unseen.
I chose this image because of how the houses separately don’t seem like either point, line or plane but when viewed above they align up to create unexpected lines.
Have a closer look at the world around you, the buildings, the shapes that makes them and you’ll be astonished by what you find.
9 Iterations:-
Final 9 Iterations with narrative
I decided to redraw/sketch out the lines within 8 of the images. I thought by doing this it would make the lines appear more easily so that it can be seen how the lines are used in each image. I then left one of the images in their original form and inserted it in the middle in order to add something different to draw the eye. I ended up really liking how everything turned out.
The narrative that I decided to go with is the one of how the lines in the buildings are part of the beauty of the world but we just don’t notice it sometimes.
The beauty in the world around us….
The shapes made….
The ones that we never notice….
Integrated with nature….
Taking us places….
(later changed)
Silently making waves….
Adding differences….
Transforming ordinary things….
Standing out….
But sometimes still unseen.
Final (Draft):-
Nine square image
After I was done I showed my image in order to receive some feedback. I was told that I should edit the original image in illustrator. I9 also decided that I wanted to change one of the images that I had originally chosen.
I added this image as I felt that I signified how lines in architecture are not something new but they part of our history and culture.
This was my final design –
I decided to add a blue background to some of the images as I felt that it made the piece appear more interesting and it helped capture the viewers attention more without overdoing it.