

The above images are what i had bought for the end of year display , assisting me with this treasure hunt was Dylan ,we had went to mutiple places before hand to look for article grass we had high hopes for Argos but not our luck the whole lot was out of stock so our last resort was to head up to b&m in cityside . Although before we went to that extent we went to the small b&m in city centre and found some leaves with wines and autumn leaves to brighten the colour. Art supplies came from the works , table linens from Guineys

Dylan started setting up the linen on the table then began to doodle on the little chalk board that he got . the idea was to draw the monster has if a child would’ve drawn it since when kids tend to have scary dreams or see something that scares them will draw it down quite scribbled and mainly with only the outline of the figure or shadow. since we couldn’t get the artificial grass i layered the vine all the way around the table to get started with . Dylan had brought in his sculpture which looks to be that of an antelope skull which was absolutely class personally i think without his sculpture the display wouldn’t have looked as good .


On top of Dylan’s sculpture i added the stuffing very spars( pulling and teasing the stuffing until it became rather see-through) and draped it over the top to give the effect of fog beginning to engulf the skull. Dylan helped with the same technique to layer the rest of the stuffing around the table as to be fair it was a time consuming job just sitting there stretching out stuffing to a certain point

Dylan’s drawing of the beast on the tiny chalk board .


I actually tried my best in creating a decent cover for the artbook , i used acyclic paint pens to paint the scene , i ended up ruining the back which was to be the front . turns out some of the colours on they paint pens take 20 mins to dry and it smudged everywhere and trying to remove it quickly before it set just ate into the back of the book so that was a lost cause. 2 try for luck and it was rather hard trying to think of what i could draw on the front since I’m terrible at drawing and lose the plot when trying to paint . Since we didn’t have time to get a professional artbook make making one isn’t such a bad idea , may not be as professional as others but i honestly think its matches the theme of the short film quite well.

So when i eventually came in to get my cv printed off one of the team members had placed the monitors on the display before hand . However when i came into the room to check the display everything was moved out the way to make space in the middle which was fine but there was no care in doing so . Prior myself and dylan had setup the display and everything was sitting fine ,  fluff was not sitting in the places where it should have been , all of the wines in the back had been scrunched together , the vines where falling off the edge of the table and where i had stuck them down where all lifted up and visible , fluff disappeared from one of the edges and the fluff disappeared from Dylan’s sculpture along with the table cloth all scrunched up  in the back and middle. With 40 mins left to deadline i did the best i could to get all the fluff back where it should . placed fluff behind the pc and rearranged of the vines stones , basically everything on the table.

Overall im happy with how it looks , also added some fluff to the back of the pcs as the final touch . Added the artbook onto the display along with myself and Laurens cv , Dylan’s will be added whenever he is ready to do so .

Using double sided sticky pads for the photo book was not a good idea as now the book is unable to close properly .


also noticed when placing the artbook on the table some of the acrylic paint was crumbling? should’ve used a primer before and after painting .