Day: May 6, 2021

#IXD104 – Travel App Hand-in

Travel App Self Reflection: Self reflecting on my app I feel very accomplished of what I have created. I feel like I’ve came a long way from my original ideas and designs of my travel app. I enjoyed researching all about interfaces, illustrations and icons that was presented this semester. I have learned new techniques…Continue Reading #IXD104 – Travel App Hand-in

#IXD103 – Monogram, Wordmark & Visual Identity Marque Hand In

Monogram   Wordmark Visual Identity Marque   Overall IXD104 Semester Reflection I have greatly enjoyed this semester and all of it’s content. I feel like I’ve learned a great deal of knowledge on brands consist of, the formula of digital brands and their online presence and what defines an unsuccessful brand to a successful brand….Continue Reading #IXD103 – Monogram, Wordmark & Visual Identity Marque Hand In