Month: January 2021

#IXD103 – Description Task

Indirectly Describing Inanimate Objects I come in many forms and varieties, I am the work of ingenuity. I see life through a lens in many different colours and angles. I’ve been everywhere and I am anywhere, even to the moon! I could even be looking at you right now! (A) I am a camera. Indirectly Recommending…Continue Reading #IXD103 – Description Task

#1XD101- Nine Iterations

For our 100 Iterations group project we were tasked on finding 100 photographs/illustrations of a point, line or plane on a chosen genre.  Our group chose line and architecture. As I browsed through countless images on Pinterest of different human made buildings throughout the world, I suddenly found the same geometric lineage in every culture…Continue Reading #1XD101- Nine Iterations